Category Archives: Uncategorized

Premium Jane Mango Vegan Delta-8 THC Gummies Product Reviewon June 14, 2022 at 2:22 am

Premium Jane Mango Vegan Delta-8 THC Gummies Product Review by Leah Johnson at CBD Origin Why settle for plain Jane when you can have Premium Jane? Introducing the topic of today’s product review: the Mango Delta-8 THC gummies by Premium Jane! If that brand name sounds familiar, that’s because it is! In one of my […]

Treetop Hemp Co. Delta-8 THC Peach Gummies Product Reviewon June 10, 2022 at 1:03 am

Treetop Hemp Co. Delta-8 THC Peach Gummies Product Review by Leah Johnson at CBD Origin Drift away into a rich euphoria that gets you higher than the treetops, a feat that’s easily accomplished with the star of today’s product review: the Peach Gummies from Treetop Hemp Co.! These gummies pack a powerful punch and are […]

Ray’s Lemonade THC Beverage Product Reviewon June 7, 2022 at 12:43 am

Ray’s Lemonade THC Beverage Product Review by Leah Johnson at CBD Origin Marijuana is quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with as it overcomes its troublesome past. The powerful psychoactive plant has been used for centuries as a means of alleviating chronic pain, an appetite stimulator, and a sleep aid, but it is most […]

Premium Jane Candy Watermelon Delta-8 THC Tincture Product Reviewon June 2, 2022 at 5:51 pm

Premium Jane Candy Watermelon Delta-8 THC Tincture Product Review by Leah Johnson at CBD Origin When it comes to consuming Delta-8 THC products, certain forms are preferable than others. Edibles like gummies are usually a beginner’s favorite, as the soft and chewy form can be a rewarding treat at the end of a long day. […]

How to Find the Best CBD for Arthritison February 26, 2022 at 5:18 am

How to Find the Best CBD for Arthritis by Alizabeth Swain at CBD Origin Are you on a first-name basis with your pharmacist because you’re always going to pick up new pain killers?   Even if you have tried prescription pain medication and still haven’t gotten any reduction in pain because of your chronic condition, don’t […]

Try the Best CBD for Carpal Tunnelon February 27, 2022 at 11:12 pm

Try the Best CBD for Carpal Tunnel by Candace Osmond at CBD Origin Nowadays, it’s common to suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. 3-6% of adults will develop carpal tunnel at some point in their lives. Thank goodness you don’t have to live with the side effects.  I’m sure you’ve been curious about treating carpal tunnel […]